Book now your stay in Casamodernista Royan (Direct owner / commission free) We are sorry but the apartment closed in 2020. You can have a look with members of the Royan 50 club Check price and availability Check-in: Check-out: [string_chosen_admin_search_type] Number of accommodation: Adults: Children: Number of accommodationAny1 Adults12 Children01 Searching... ×Accommodation 1Adults12Children012 Firts Name*Last Name*Email*Phone*Adress*AdressCity*State / provinceZip codeCountryCouponIf you have a coupon code enter it in the field below and click on apply. Loading summary... Accept our policies for this reservation I have read and I accept the terms and conditions for this booking.You will pay for your stay at a later stage. The total price is There are no active payment gateways. Please activate at least one payment gateway in HBook settings (HBook > Payment).Processing...Please double check your reservation summary before clicking on "Send the booking request". CASAMODERNISTA ROYAN Google Review location vacances Royan 19504.6Based on 9 reviewsreview us onSee All Reviews